How Do Nature-Based Solutions’ Color Tones Influence People’s Emotional Reaction? An Assessment via Virtual and Augmented Reality in a Participatory Process

Simulations of urban transformations are an effective tool for engaging citizens and enhancing their understanding of urban design outcomes. Citizens’ involvement can positively contribute to foster resilience for mitigating the impact of climate change. Successful integration of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) into the urban fabric enables both the mitigation of climate hazards and positive reactions of citizens. This paper presents two case studies in a southern district of Milan (Italy), investigating the emotional reaction of citizens to existing urban greenery and designed NBS. During the events, the participants explored in Virtual Reality (VR) (n = 48) and Augmented Reality (AR) (n = 63) (i) the district in its current condition and (ii) the design project of a future transformation including NBS. The environmental exploration and the data collection took place through the exp-EIA© method, integrated into the mobile app City Sense. The correlations between the color features of the viewed landscape and the emotional reaction of participants showed that weighted saturation of green and lime colors reduced the unpleasantness both in VR and AR, while the lime pixel area (%) reduced the unpleasantness only in VR. No effects were observed on the Arousal and Sleepiness factors. The effects show high reliability between VR and AR for some of the variables. Implications of the method and the benefits for urban simulation and participatory processes are discussed.

3D Heritage Data Fruition and Management. Point Cloud Processing for Thematic Interpretation

Technologies and digital tools such as laser scanning and photogrammetry are nowadays widely used in the field of architectural heritage survey, being able of producing 3D models characterized by high metric and morphological accuracy. These databases are becoming essential also for the development of more effective interventions on heritage buildings. Despite the advancement of increasingly automated analytical procedures, the management and analysis of point cloud models can still be quite time-consuming and complex, depending on specific assessments to be carried out. In the direction of optimizing these processing steps, several research is being carried out by applying Artificial Intelligence processes to make predictions based on sample data. The aim of the paper is to analyse point clouds processing focusing on geometric and radiometric features for diagnostic analysis. A specific focus aims at analysing possible in-depth uses of the intensity value as a benchmark for historical surfaces assessment, toward an optimized models’ interpretation and classification of the 3D data points, integrating data and information from different sensors. Point clouds under analysis have been carried out by different acquisition techniques; this provides an interesting opportunity to compare the results in terms of intensity value produced by different sensors. The paper will analyse the State of the Art, also illustrating a set of outcomes obtained by the authors, deepening two specific case studies, in order to outline not only the main background and shortcomings in managing complex database, but also possible innovations pointing out new research questions.

Comparative Analyses Between Sensors and Digital Data for the Characterization of Historical Surfaces

In the “informational” potential included in 3D digital models obtained by laser scanner survey, several data can be processed in addition to geometric features in order to widen the application of digitization to conservation of Cultural Heritage. Among these data, the intensity value is a (potentially) powerful knowledge concerning the interpretation of surfaces. The visual-comparative analysis developed over years of experimentations demonstrate the need to target research towards comparative data, “sampling” the reflectance of different materials, measured with different sensors and in environments with different boundary conditions. If until recently the process already presented interesting research directions in terms of calibration or control of results on specific materials but difficult at a comparative level, today, thanks to new data segmentation processes and algorithmic procedures, advancements and further comparisons will be possible opening to new interpretative hypotheses. The paper explores ongoing experimentations aimed at comparing different radiometric and colorimetric data obtained by 3D surveying using different laser scanner technologies on historical surfaces, to support the identification of features directly on the 3D model. The goal is to test the link between the intensity value and materials, construction techniques, and decay pathologies, in order to use, in the future, also this parameter as a radiometric feature in machine learning segmentation and classification algorithms. The contribution develops and deepens at the application level the theoretical background and the first experiments carried out on two case studies.

Machine Learning and Deep Learning for the Built Heritage Analysis: Laser Scanning and UAV-Based Surveying Applications on a Complex Spatial Grid Structure

The reconstruction of 3D geometries starting from reality-based data is challenging and timeconsuming due to the difficulties involved in modeling existing structures and the complex nature of built heritage. This paper presents a methodological approach for the automated segmentation and classification of surveying outputs to improve the interpretation and building information modeling from laser scanning and photogrammetric data. The research focused on the surveying of reticular, space grid structures of the late 19th–20th–21st centuries, as part of our architectural heritage, which might require monitoring maintenance activities, and relied on artificial intelligence (machine learning and deep learning) for: (i) the classification of 3D architectural components at multiple levels of detail and (ii) automated masking in standard photogrammetric processing. Focusing on the case study of the grid structure in steel named La Vela in Bologna, the work raises many critical issues in space grid structures in terms of data accuracy, geometric and spatial complexity, semantic classification, and component recognition.

A Hierarchical Machine Learning Approach for Multi-Level and Multi-Resolution 3D Point Cloud Classification

The recent years saw an extensive use of 3D point cloud data for heritage documentation, valorisation and visualisation. Although rich in metric quality, these 3D data lack structured information such as semantics and hierarchy between parts. In this context, the introduction of point cloud classification methods can play an essential role for better data usage, model definition, analysis and conservation. The paper aims to extend a machine learning (ML) classification method with a multi-level and multi-resolution (MLMR) approach. The proposed MLMR approach improves the learning process and optimises 3D classification results through a hierarchical concept. The MLMR procedure is tested and evaluated on two large-scale and complex datasets: the Pomposa Abbey (Italy) and the Milan Cathedral (Italy). Classification results show the reliability and replicability of the developed method, allowing the identification of the necessary architectural classes at each geometric resolution.